Tuesday, October 29, 2013

496.01 T-H

Charles Bukowski readings

At your leisure:

Week 10/29-10/31
NY School discussion

Discussion: NY continued
Homework:  Selected readings: Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, Robert Lowell.

Week 11/05-11/07
T  Bukowski discussion
H The Confessionalists Discussion.
Homework:  Reading: Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin, Michael Cunningham’s White Angel,
Miranda July: The Shared Patio
**Your ekphrastic pieces and process papers (500 words minimum) are due on Tuesday 11/26. 
The short version of this assignment is that you will be responding or imitating a piece of literature through visual art. Examples abound: W.H. Auden’s Musee de Beaux Art or WCW’s Icarus (myth-painting-poem).  Or Charles Simic’s poems that respond to Joseph Cornell’s boxes (for the reverse).  Consider the poetry poem: http://www.tcj.com/a-bianca-stone-interview/

Week 11/12-11/14
T Confessionalists continued
H Cunningham and Baldwin discussion

Week 11/19-11/21
MONDAY 11/18  Stories Discussion continued (including Miranda July)

T 11/20  Discussion of readings continued.  
H 11/22 TBA

Week 11/26-11/28
T 26 Discussion. Ekphrastic pieces to be presented. Process papers (only) to be turned in to me.
H THANKSGIVING BREAK!  Safe travels and happy Thanksgiving!

Week 12/02-12/04
T  Group Presentations of Essays from Touchstone Anthology. (There will be an oral and written component for each group member. More details forthcoming.)
H  Group Presentations continued

Week 12/09-12/11
M  Group Presentations

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

496.02 M-W

Week Nine
M 10/21  
Discussion of Joyce Carol Oates

W 10/25  Discussion Colonel Carolyn Forche (in class reading of poem) 
Homework: New York School 
Frank O'Hara bio and all poems
Kenneth Koch One Train...

Charles Bukowski readings

At your leisure:

Week 10/28-10/30
NY School discussion, Bukowski.

Discussion: NY continued
Homework:  Selected readings: Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, Robert Lowell.
All biographical material and all poems. Plus, any additional selections from your books on any of the three.

Week 11/04-11/06
M  Bukowski discussion
W  Test on NY school and Bukowski. The Confessionalists Discussion. (Links above will provide the selections.
Homework:  Reading: Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin, Michael Cunningham’s White Angel,
Miranda July: The Shared Patio
**Your ekphrastic pieces and process papers (500 words minimum) are due on Monday 11/25. 
The short version of this assignment is that you will be responding or imitating a piece of literature through visual art. Examples abound: W.H. Auden’s Musee de Beaux Art or WCW’s Icarus (myth-painting-poem).  Or Charles Simic’s poems that respond to Joseph Cornell’s boxes (for the reverse).  Consider the poetry poem: http://www.tcj.com/a-bianca-stone-interview/

Week 11/11-11/13
M Confessionalists continued
W Cunningham and Baldwin discussion

Week 11/18-1120
MONDAY 11/18  Stories Discussion continued (including Miranda July)

W 11/20  Discussion of readings continued.  

Week 11/25-11/27
M/25 Discussion. Ekphrastic pieces to be presented. Process papers (only) to be turned in to me.
W THANKSGIVING BREAK!  Safe travels and happy Thanksgiving!

Week 12/01-12/03  
M  Selection of one work or author we've  not yet discussed to be "taught" by your group.  Individual process sheets describing the division of labor due FROM EACH group member.
W Presentations

Week 12/08-12/10
M  Group Presentations

Monday, October 21, 2013

LA 190 Syllabus Update

Week Nine  10/21-10/23

M  Discussion towards research essay



Week Ten 10/28-10/30

M Jay Z Picasso Baby

Homework: Read  Jerry Saltz  Ben Davis The Jealous Curator
Choose five of the names referenced in the Saltz article and find one article on them to cite as if doing an MLA citation for your research paper.

Example: Marina Abramovic
1.  "I am not a Vampire." The Guardian. Jonathan Jones Blog. July 2013.

For the final piece of this assignment, write a one-line artist or thesis statement for what you think that Jay Z was attempting in his video. (As if you are Jay Z.) This should be YOUR idea of what HIS idea might be. (Do not look for his words on the matter, use your own.)

W Citations and "thesis" due.
Building Block One Due

Week Eleven  11/-04-11/06

M Conferences (Hills) Come on time for your designated conference.
W Conferences (Hills)

BUILDING BLOCK ONE:BB#1: Debatable Question Worksheet

Think about your topic for a while and then start to draft a question that asks something debatable about that topic. Revise your debatable question so that it can be as specific as possible. When you have settled on a topic and feel confident about your question, type this information at the top of a document using the following template.

Art and Design Area of Interest:
Debatable Question:

Here are a few examples:

Art and Design Area of Interest: Fashion
Topic:  Body Image
Debatable Question: What can designers do to help reverse the trend of the “skinny” model?

Art and Design Area of Interest: Fine Arts
Topic: Foundations/Skills
Debatable Question: Are there a set of foundational skills that all fine artists require, and if so, what are they?  

Once you have filled out the above template, write 150 words about why you have chosen this topic.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Friday, October 11, 2013

LA 190

This is an artist that I have always found to be pretty interesting both her life and her work.
Remember that your research papers are next and that any ideas that you've unearthed during this process that seemed too large for the paper you are doing now, might lend themselves nicely to your research papers.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

LA-496-01 T-H Changes in Due Dates

Look over these forms:  sestina, sonnet, and villanelle, and begin to decide which you will imitate (and discuss in a 300 word minimum formal letter to your readers).  We will look over some examples for both components of this assignment: due 10/11
H 10/02    “  “  “ continued.Formal verse discussion

Week Seven
T 10/08 Formal Poem discussion completed 
Homework: Read  Everyday Use by Alice Walker. Cathedral by Raymond Carver. 

H10/11    Discussion:     Walker/Carver
Homework: Read Natasha Trethaway's Thrall entire.

Week  Eight
T 10/15 Discussion of Thrall   FORMAL POEMS DUE TODAY
Homework: Reading Where are You Going, Where Have You Been Joyce Carol Oates (anthology)

10/16WEDNESDAY: 6:30 Canzani Auditorium. Natasha Trethewey visit. MANDATORY.     

H 10/17   Discussion Oates

Monday, October 7, 2013

LA 190--Don't Forget!!

Your first drafts, graded with comments by me, must come in with your final portfolios.
Do NOT lose the papers that I returned to you. Put them in a file to include with your final portfolio.

Today's group work counts as one of your building blocks, but does not need to come in with those final pieces. (Nor does the Miranda July.)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

LA 190

Here's an example of how I might refine or hone my topic and find text for the analysis:

Let's say I have decided to talk about a very complicated, ornate but intriguing piece of art. I select this piece because I have been thinking a lot about beauty and excess lately and the notion of "less is more" after reading an interview with Stanley Elkin who argued that less is less and more is more.  I recall that Pallavi Sen, a CCAD graduate, often argued for beauty, the intricate and ornate in classrooms where she felt the trend was toward the cleaner, simpler design.

NOW since I have selected my artwork, I need to get text on this piece. Either I address an article that analyzes or reviews the piece OR I find use the ideas in the interview and use those with the artwork to create a thesis.

Ex:  The current aesthetic trends toward the serif-less font, flat-design underlines the old adage of less is  more.  Arthur Artman's work interrogates that in a number of ways....


Tuesday, October 1, 2013

496-02 Monday Wednesday

Wednesday 10/02:  Intro to Formal Verse.
Homework: Readings: Homework: Readings: Design by Robert Frost, (Yes, we've read it before, but it bears review for the sonnet form.)  Elizabeth Bishop's Sestina and her villanelle: One Art, Dylan Thomas Do Not Go Gentle...
 Look over these forms:  sestina, sonnet, and villanelle, and begin to decide which you will imitate (and discuss in a 300 word minimum formal letter to your readers).  We will look over some examples for both components of this assignment: due 10/14

Week Six
M 10/07 Continued Formal discussion
W 10/09
Homework: In addition to completing your formal poems to be turned in on Monday
Read:  Everyday Use by Alice Walker. Cathedral by Raymond Carver. (Carver to be discussed Monday and Walker on Wed.)

Week Seven
M 10/14  Discussion Carver. Formal Poems due

W 10/16 Discussion Walker

LA 496-01 -TH

Monday-Wednesday 496-02 this syllabus reflects very closely what we'll be doing, also. Plan to do the reading below (formal verse) for the weekend. 

Week Six
T 09/31   Introduction to Formal Verse. 
Formal Poetry:  Robert Frost, Langston Hughes, Elizabeth Bishop, Marianne Moore, Robert Hayden
Homework: Readings: Homework: Readings: Design by Robert Frost, (Yes, we've read it before, but it bears review for the sonnet form.)  Elizabeth Bishop's Sestina and her villanelle: One Art, Dylan Thomas Do Not Go Gentle...

 Look over these forms:  sestina, sonnet, and villanelle, and begin to decide which you will imitate (and discuss in a 300 word minimum formal letter to your readers).  We will look over some examples for both components of this assignment: due 10/11
H 10/02    “  “  “ continued.Formal verse discussion
Read:  Everyday Use by Alice Walker. Cathedral by Raymond Carver. (Walker to be discussed Thurs. and Carver Tues.

Week Seven
T 10/06  Discussion Carver
H10/08  Discussion Walker

Week Eight
T 10/08  Discussion
Homework:  Reading Where are You Going, Where Have You Been Joyce Carol Oates (anthology)
H10/11  Discussion Oates.    Formal poems due today.
Homework: Thrall entire.

Week  Nine
T 10/15 Discussion of Thrall
WEDNESDAY: 6:30 Canzani Auditorium. Natasha Trethewey visit. MANDATORY.     
H 10/18   

Week Ten
T 10/23  NY School Readings. 
H 10/25  Discussion
Homework: Charles Bukowski readings

At your leisure:

Week Eleven
T NY School discussion, Bukowski.
Homework:  Reading TBA
H Discussion: TBA
Homework:  Selected readings: Anne Sexton, Sylvia Plath, Robert Lowell.

Week Twelve
T  The Confessionalists
H Discussion continued
Homework:  Reading: Sonny’s Blues by James Baldwin, Michael Cunningham’s White Angel,
Poetry Comics article,
**Your ekphrastic pieces and process papers (500 words minimum) are due on Tuesday 11/20. 
The short version of this assignment is that you will be responding or imitating a piece of literature through visual art. Examples abound: W.H. Auden’s Musee de Beaux Art or WCW’s Icarus (myth-painting-poem).  Or Charles Simic’s poems that respond to Joseph Cornell’s boxes (for the reverse).  Consider the poetry poem:  http://www.tcj.com/a-bianca-stone-interview/

Week Thirteen
T 11/19  TBA.
H 11/ 21 TBA

Week Fourteen
T  11/26 Discussion. Ekphrastic pieces to be presented. Process papers (only) to be turned in to me.
H 11/28   THANKSGIVING BREAK!  Safe travels and happy Thanksgiving!

Week Fifteen
T  12/03  Group Presentations of Essays from Touchstone Anthology. (There will be an oral and written component for each group member. More details forthcoming.)
H  12/05  Group Presentations continued

Week Sixteen
T  12/10 Group Presentations
H 12/12 Last Day