Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Fiction Workshops

12/03 Thursday In-class writing
Students wishing to be workshopped one last time distribute stories with copies enough for everyone.

12/08 Tuesday
Mini workshops for students.

12/10 Thursday
Final Stories due. (One copy to be turned into me. Only students who did not do the workshop are required to turn these in.)

Wed. Fri.

F 12/04 Conferences at Starving Artist from 1-3:30

W 12/09 In Class Writing/Workshop distribution (if anyone is doing that)

F 12/11 Final Stories Due to me in class.


Tuesday, December 1, 2009

In-Class Writing & New Prompt

1. Invent a piece of news and use it in your story.
2. Employ the kind of thinking that goes into the famous Chandler quote:
"He looked about as inconspicuous as a tarantula on a slice of angel food cake." and use one or more examples in your piece of writing.
3. Use at least three flavors &/or textures that feel strange, foreign, new or odd to your characters.

Some Writing Guides Full of Prompts

for the road and the after-workshop days ahead.

What If? Anne Bernays, Pamela Painter
The Practice of Poetry. Robin Behn
The Art of Fiction. John Gardner
Making Shapely Fiction. Jerome Stern

Some more good reading:

Metamorphosis Franz Kafka (a classic, of course)

Paired w/ (and as suggested by one of your peers)

Kockroach Tyler Knox (described as Met. in reverse)