Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Poetry Workshop

W 12/01 Bring in the imitations with copies enough for all. Read all of Don Bogen's book for discussion after workshop. Our workshop will be leaner (less me-speak) and we'll try to get through in one class or just over. Your final assignments will be two significant rewrites and an imitation of some aspect of Don Bogen's work. Those will be due on the last day of class UNLESS we have time for one more workshop, and then you'll be able to share them.

F 12/03 Workshop and/or An Algebra discussion.

W 12/08 An Algebra discussion
F 12/10 Workshop
W Turn in final packets: Two significant revisions & Bogen Imitation. (If we moved quickly enough, the Bogen imitation will have been workshopped and you will get to provide it as a third revision instead of first draft.)

F 12/17 YOUR HOLIDAY HAS BEGUN! HAVE A WONDERFUL BREAK & THANKS--You've been great to work with.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Thanks to those of you who remembered the questions for Lesley Jenike. (Sorry I forgot to ask for them.) I'll get those to her and get us started.

Have a wonderful, safe Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


w 11/17 Discussion of Ghost of Fashion.
Read the poems from the NY poets below.
Please read: Frank O'Hara's Why I am Not a Painter, The Day Lady Died and Lana Turner Has Collapsed. (Same site as Why I am Not)

ALSO, have a question ready to ask Lesley Jenike about her book.

Also, Kenneth Koch's One Train May Hide Another & To You.

F: We'll complete the conversation about Jenike and look at the NY poets, as well.
Homework: Imitation of Jenike's poems. Some aspect or format. A response. Whatever inspires you from her work to yours.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Poetry Workshop

F 11/12 Group-led discussion of Jenike's book
Homework: Begin to decide what you will be imitating from Jenike's work. Which techniques? A particular poem? Bring copies sufficient for the class to be distributed on Friday 11/19.

W 11/17 Discussion of Jenike continued. We'll formulate our questions for her, etc.
Homework: Imitation poem

F 11/19 Distribution of workshop poems.
Homework: Read and comment upon workshop poems. Begin Don Bogen's book and be prepared to discuss it after Thanksgiving Break.


Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Contemporary Literature

T 11/09/10 Watch Robert Lowell video, complete Confessionalist Movement.

Next stop: New York, School, that is. Read the essay about the school (hot-linked over the words NY School)
and this essay on Frank O'Hara as a Poet Among Paintersand this one on

Frank O'Hara

I would like for you to read all of the O'Hara poems, as well.

In anticipation of our ekphrastic assignment, please read this piece on Ekphrasis. Keep in mind that we are going to go about "ekphrasis" in a kind of reversal. You are going to be able to use poetry or literature to inspire art.

This assignment will be due the Thursday before the Thanksgiving holiday (November 18th) You will be presenting whatever your response is to ANY of the authors we've studied or any that you get approval from me to use.

H 11/11 Discussion of New York School
Homework all of Kenneth Koch's poems on this site and the biographical bit, too.

T 11/16 Continued New York School, Kenneth Koch,

H 11/18 Ekphrastic assignment presentations.