Tuesday, August 25, 2009



Three minute story prompt is here. (Plus, many examples.)
For yours, you must write 600 words or so, use at least one of each of the senses, avoid cliche.

The opening line for the NPR bit is "The nurse left work at five o'clock."

Remember that I will see you all on Tuesday and Wednesday of next week. Thursday and Friday will be independent study. (Meaning: you do your homework and we will not be meeting again until next week.)

Welcome Autumn 2009 Students!

This blog will be where the revised scheduling and anything you might need to know between sessions will be placed. Please email me on the ccad account as your ability to post comments here and communicate needs to be worked-out a bit yet.

Course Policy
Sophia Kartsonis Courses

Textbook: More on this soon. For now, I will post links.

will be crucial. We will be reading a lot and dealing with that reading in class with writing assignments and activities.
You will be afforded one absence for reasons I will not need to know. I do not excuse any absence after that first one and if you accrue two absences or more, I reserve the right to suggest that you drop the course.

Tardies: After two you have an absence.

Grades: You will be graded heavily on class participation and attendance. Your written work also will comprise a large percentage of your total grade. I expect lively discussions and real engagement with the topics. For those of you in my literature course or in workshops with a reading assignment please note: I hate to resort to pop quizzes, but if during discussion it becomes apparent that a few of us have done the reading and the rest are coasting, I will administer a quiz.

Assignments are due (copies, typed, all aspects of the requirements that constitute the assignment) on time at the beginning of class. Class time is not an opportunity to run around or ask me to make copies or to staple etc. We are now grown-ups. We are now grown-ups. Repeat as necessary.

YOU MUST BE HERE ON THE DAY OF YOUR HAND-OUTS, PRESENTATIONS or WORKSHOP. I cannot convey to you what it does to my mood and my soul when you are not. I usually console myself with a long session with the gradebook...

The bulk of your work in my courses cannot be made-up simply by "getting the assignment." You learn from discussion. What you miss is truly lost money and effort on my part and yours. Try to remember that you're here to self-edify and to receive a service.

Cell Phones: Please turn them off. Brain surgery can wait.

I am available to conference with you at any time throughout the course. Please contact me in class or through the email address and we can set a time to meet.