Sunday, December 1, 2013

496 Contemporary Literature BOTH M-W and T-H

1.  Below you will find our game plan for the next few classes. Please note that those of you yet to present your ekphrastic pieces will be allowed to do so, but will have lost one letter grade due to the late presentation. Being absent on a day when what is due is to be presented is hard to make up without disrupting the class. If we spoke and it was cleared before you left, then I will take that into consideration. Otherwise, plan to present and avoid further damage to the grade in any further delay.

The revised syllabus

Week 12/02-12/05  

M or T (depending on your class)
Presentation of the remainder of your ekphrastic pieces. 
Following that, you will break into groups and select your pieces for presentation from your anthology. The class will be given the names and page numbers of the pieces to be presented and everyone will read in advance and be ready to participate in your group's discussion. You will have the class period to prepare with your group. 
This will begin with the selection of one work or author we've  not yet discussed to be "taught" by your group.  Individual process sheets describing the division of labor will be gathered FROM EACH group member.

W & H Presentations begin. 

Week 12/9-12/12
M & T Group Presentations continued

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