Tuesday, September 6, 2011

This Week:

09/06/11 Tuesday Writing Poetry
In class discussion of the poetic terms assignment.
Homework: Write at least ten couplets and follow the instructions for part two of your homework for the specifics. Bring in typed on Thursday for discussion.

09/08/11 Thursday: We'll discuss your couplets in groups, as a class.
Homework: Write a poem that will be used for your first workshop piece. Bring it in, typed, with copies enough for the class. We'll workshop through next week. Consider the need for lots of concrete, specific detail and feel free to revise/rewrite/edit the couplets assignment into that final draft of a poem for the workshop. Make sure your poem has a title and is proofread carefully.

Writing Fiction
09/06/11 Tuesday: Discussion Lorrie Moore. In-class writing.
Homework: Write an opening that imitates one of the stories we have read. Bring in enough copies to distribute it to your groups. (4-5)

09/08/11 Thursday: Group work with your story openings.
Homework: Read this Amy Hempel story. Group One have your first stories (3-5 pages) ready to distribute to the class on Tuesday. Group Two you will distribute on Thursday.

09/13/11 Tuesday Discussion of Hempel story. Homework: Read Group One's stories carefully and comment on them profusely. Write a final note of 250 words minimum that summarizes your advice and suggested edits for the piece. Don't forget to include the things that are working for it and those which you admire.

09/15/11 Thursday Group One Workshop. Group Two distributes stories.

Contemporary Literature

Tuesday 09/06/11 Discussion of Hemingway and Fitzgerald
Homework: Read Langston Hughes, the biographical material and all of the poems on the links to the right.
Check out Zelda Fitzgerald's artwork and paperdolls.

Thursday 09/09/11 Discussion of Jazz Age/Harlem Renaissance continues. Voices and Visions Langston Hughes, likely.
Read: Emily Dickinson and Walt Whitman.

Tuesday 09/13/11 Discussion.
Thursday 09/15/11 Discussion.
Homework: Write a letter to one of the writers we've read. Discuss, in detail, some of the topics or a particular topic of their work. Feel free to agree, celebrate, disagree or question.

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